Here are some tips for beginning the seo and which will help you in Making your Site better.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Types of SEO
Natural Search Engines Optimization & Paid search Engine Optimization
These listing depends upon the type of SEO work done by natural search engine optimize professionals.
Paid search Engine Optimization
The paid listings are optimized in the separate section of search engine. The high ligted domains, such as sponsored domains listing
are the paid listings with pay per click management and one time monthly charges to the client website.
Promotion SEO Natural Search Engine Optimization
Natural listings are the listings that are not paid on search engines. They are determined by the search engines algorithms for
monitoring and ranking out the web pages relevant to the business. In Promotion SEO we belive in getting the client business on
generic or natural search listing of domains, which is more less cost effective and best way to achieve business opportunities in
future from different regions.
The natural search engine optimization specialist analyzes the deep persistent report before proceeding with all the changes to be
done with web pages.
The natural search engine optimization includes development of :
* Meta Tags
* Managing Robots Instruction
* Compatibility Analysis
* Keyword Analysis
* Content Analysis
* Site Structure and Directory Organization
* Code Tweaking
* Linking
* Website Registration
* Maintain Your Optimization
These low cost effective and business marketing service is provided by us for best SEO web experience for your website. Offering
best web analyst campaigns for your complete SEO process.
Why the Name Natural Listings?
Usually these listing are achieved by targeting the main SEO base optimization and the unaltered results are achieved and not even
a single dollar is paid to achieve them, which makes the business to grow with budget effectiveness.
The people search the search engine for attractive results, which mean to get pure organic domains listings. If searches return
nothing more then a advertisement then the reason of searching the results will be lost.
The search engine is the constant changing place, which require optimization of web pages for getting the highest ranking. So
natural listings are much better for getting the results rather paying for them.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
How Does Search Engine Works?
In simple words it follows four steps:
1. Crawling-In this step spiders or robots or MSN bots which are actually S/W program, crawls the entire site related to particular keyword or search query.
2. Indexing-Then it collects all sites related to that topic or word and stores them in search engines database.
3. Processing- As results are in lakhs, it should be sorted according to the relevancy for the search topic.So, it creates another list for specific answers of the search topic.
4. Result page- Ultimately what ever is the out come of the processing will become the search page result.
According to me this is the process followed by the all the search engines . Although different search engines applies different algorithm for crawling S/W program.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Tips To Increase traffic To Your Website
Tips To Increase traffic To Your Website
- Write and submit articles to the article directories.
- Write comments or your Views on other people’s blogs with a backlink to your site.
- Put your Questions or Answer people’s questions on
- Forum posting : Post in forums and have a link to your site in your signature.
- Write a press release and submit it to
- Advertise your website in the appropriate category on
- Give an unbiased testimonial on a product/service that you have used in exchange for a backlink to your site.
- Start a blog and submit it to the 100’s of free blog directories.
- Manually submit your website to the major search engines.
- Optimize each page of your website for a particular keyword or search phrase.
- Add a link in your email signature to your website. It’s a free and easy way to get a little more traffic.
- Make a custom 404 error page for your website redirecting people to your home page.
- Use PPC search engine advertising.
- Add a “bookmark this site” link to your webpages.
- Have a tell-a-friend form on your site.
- Send articles to ezine publishers that includes a link to your website.
- Hold a crazy content and make it go viral.
- Give away a freebie (ebook, report, e-course) to keep people coming back to your site.
- Add an RSS feed to your blog.
- Submit your site to any related niche directories on the net.
- Participate in a banner or link exchange program.
- Create a software program and give it away for free.
- Purchase the misspellings or variations of your domain name, or those of your competitors.
- Buy a domain name related to your niche that is already receiving traffic and forward it to your site.
- Pass out business cards with your domain on them everywhere you go.
- Start and affiliate program and let your affiliates send you visitors.
- Start a page on social bookmarking sites such as
- Submit a viral video to
- Conduct and publish surveys to your website.
- Find joint venture partners that will send you traffic.
- Start your own newsletter or ezine.
- Use a autoresponder or email campaign to keep people coming back to your site.
- Purchase ads on other sites.
- Send a free copy of your product to other site owners in exchange for a product review.
- Sell or place classified ads on ebay. comwith a link to your site.
- Post free classified ads on any of the sites that allow them with a link to your site.
- Exchange reciprocal links with other related websites.
- Network with other people at seminars or other live events.
- Purchase advertising in popular newsletters or ezines.
- Advertise on other product’s “thank you” pages.
- Create a free ebook and list in on the “free ebook” sites.
- Buy and use a memorable domain name.
- Do something controversial.
- Create an Amazon profile and submit reviews for books and other products that you have read.
- Use a traffic exchange (low quality traffic, but can sometimes be worthwhile).
- Get referrals form similar but non-competing sites.
- Create and sell a product with resell or giveaway rights and include a link to your site in it o others pass it around for you.
- Email your list. If you don’t have one, get one.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Basic Tips for New Blogger
1. Firstly to astrt with add your web site or the blog to google by using publish post option in your blog,add your site using "http://" prefix and then add something to
comment section.
2. Do link exchange with other web sites that are relevant to your site theme,by this way google robot will quickly index your site.
3. Make a sitemap and send it to Google Webmaster Tools,this will speed up google's index bots.
4. Add your web site to directories lie
5. content of your site is the most mportant thing to be payed attention on, use text content rather than pictures video stuff.
6. If you have copied text from the website and have copied in your's ,give the website's link from where you copied the text.
7. Do not add your link to warez,porn sites,this will reduce your pagerank value.
8. Do not give links to warez,porn,keygen sites..this will reduce your pagerank value too.
9. Do not write like "u","i ave gt","r"..etc , do not use slang.
10. Add your link to communities like technorati,,digg etc.
11. Do not use "free porn","xxx","xxx v4 keygen" etc. word in meta section to get more visitors.
12. Do not put irrelevant keywords to your title.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
How to Make a post to your Blog through Email account
Or how to post using or ?
1. Login into your blogger account.
2. Click on “Change Settings” icon of your blog.
3. Open ” Email” tab (see picture) ->
4. Enter your Secret Mail-to-Blog word (see picture) ->
If you want to publish automatically don’t forget to check it.
5. Click “Save Changes”.
6. Login into your email account, write your post ( email Subject will be post Title and email body will be your post), sent it to
Friday, August 15, 2008
How to remove Navigationbar from Blogspot
If you wonder how to remove the blogger beta navbar, this is the way to do it:
1. Login to your blogger beta account.
2. Open the “Layout” for your blog.
3. Click the “Edit HTML” link.
4. Copy this code:
5. Click the “Save Template” link.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Link Building
Types of Link Building
One-way links
When a person links his website to yours without asking for a link in return, then it is known as a One Way Link. These links are the best way to have inbound links without giving out or trading links from your site to outside sites, as they do not look like a reciprocal link exchange. These give the appearance of natural link building process and are the best way to increase the link popularity of the site by getting relevant links for the site. -
Reciprocal links
This link building process is reciprocal in nature, somewhat like a give and take deal and is therefore, also known as a Two-way link building process. In this process, when a website A gives a link to website B, then website B gives a link to website A, in return. Though, one way links are the great option for increasing link popularity of a site, Reciprocal links are a good option too, in terms of there low costs and effective and inexpensive services, yielding to economical results. If used in a balanced and systematic manner, Reciprocal link exchange can help in promoting your website, product, or services, effectively and efficiently.
Benefits of Link Building and Link Popularity
Link Building helps your website get higher rankings from the search engines, as the more links you have, the more is your ranking. Quality and relevant Link Building also increases the Page Rank of your website, hence attracting more traffic and increasing popularity.
Having relevant links or links related to your business, products or services, with your website, helps adding credibility to your site. The more valuable and quality links you have, the more genuine and reliable is your website, for the customer.
The more the credibility of your website, the more able it will be, to draw relevant traffic to it, making it a valuable resource for them to explore. Also, with the relevant Reciprocal links, you will benefit more as it will direct the traffic of the other websites you are linked to, to yours, hence getting you double traffic.
Quality Link Building also helps your website get indexed with the search engines and will also catch your regular site updates, helping your site get wider exposure in the search engine arena.
Also, compared to the Pay Per Click Advertising, Link Building is a one time investment , with no recurring expenses. Once you are able to build quality and popular links for your website, you are in for a long term benefit plan.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Importance of Meta Tags
short and in descriptive mode what is on the page. Some years before its importance was great but now it has low importance. Some
people says that it is dead now. But I think it is not dead. It has still importance.
In the early age of search engine optimisation there was nothing but keywords selections. If you putted keywords on your meta tag
your site had ranking by that keywords but now it is not like that because that was keywords spam in the search engine rather than
producing a quality websites which user is needed. Now, if you put keywords on your meta tag it should be related to your page
content and products.
Another thing is keywords density. Meta tag creates keyword density. So, if you use more keywords in your meta tag in keywords
section, it will create more density for your pages. So, I recommend on my practice that if you use keywords or key phrases on your
meta, use synonyms of keywords rather than repetition of keywords. Suppose, if you have a site related to “SEO and Online
Marketing”, use keywords like these – SEO, search engine optimization, online marketing and nothing else. If you use more it will
be harmful for your pages.
Rather than keywords in meta, use keywords or key phrases in title, descriptions, H1, H2, H3 or in content. It should be in proper
place. You can say it is web page and content optimization according to the keywords.
Which keywords you are targeting from your web page, should be include in your title with some more density after that in
descriptions, keywords, meta descriptions and lastly it should be in content.
Keywords as anchor if you use to get links for your websites from quality and theme related sites, will be better from meta. In my
views meta tag keywords are not dead, it has still meaning but if it is in proper proportion.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Do not do this in SEO
2) Ignoring Title Tags. Title Tags are possibly the most important element used by search engines to determine the topic of a certain web page. Ignoring title tags or simply inserting your company name as the title will ensure that you won't rank highly for any competitive keywords. Similarly, ensure that each web page of your site has a unique title tag.
3) Using Images as Headings. Keywords are still very important when wishing to rank highly for keywords and inserting your headings as images will result in search engines being unable to read the title and therefore determine what it says. This is an important opportunity lost as titles frequently contain your target keywords.
4) Ignoring URL structure. Including keywords within your URL structure will help to give your web page a boost in search engines. Also, don't use dynamic URLs which contain many elements such as equal signs or question marks. Static URLs are much easier for Google to crawl.
5) Internal Linking. This is one of the most frequent mistakes, yet internal linking is one of the best ways to improve the rankings of the different pages within your site. Make sure that each web page isn't further than two or three clicks from your home page. Also, always link to pages with your target keywords rather than 'click here'.
6) Poor Keyword Placement. An added emphasis is placed by search engines on the first 100 words of a web page. Ensure that you place your target keywords and keyword phrases within this content.
7) Same Meta Description and Keywords. Although search engines tend to ignore the meta description and keywords when it comes to ranking sites, they do still consider them when determining what pages contain duplicate content. Using the same meta description and keywords across multiple pages increases the likelihood that some of your pages will be filtered out by search engines.
8) Duplicate pages. Make sure that search engines only index one version of your website, otherwise you can end up receiving a duplicate content penalty. For example, don't have your website appearing on two different URLs - redirect one to the other.
9) Using incorrect redirects. Sometimes a web page moves location and its previous URL must be redirected to its new location. Always use a 301 redirect to do this. 302 redirects are used for temporary redirection and can result in a Google penalty.
10) Buried Content. Over time many websites and blogs create a huge amount of content which simply ends up being buried within the site. Use internal linking and a clear navigational structure to keep all the content within your site a maximum of three clicks away from your homepage.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Onpage Factors
First very important thing is that collect keywords related to ou project/site as you can which helps in adding in ur website pages.
For finding keywords u have to use dictionary,wordtracker,overvirtue,sites ranking on your keywords,
1 Url optimization related
2 Title tag
3 Meta tag(keywords,desc,...)
4 Body(header, content, internal linking)
5 Image (alt tag)
6 Linking within paragraph with related keywords
URL of the Site according to our project theme (url Optimization)
The correct placement for the title tag is between the "head>" and "/head>" tags within the HTML the makes up your page.
Title of the pages(put keywords: seo|link building|web design development|promote webs by google search engine algorithm) put at the max 50-80 words including spaces.
Meta Tags
Desc of that page
Add Keywords:
Add keywords in meta keyword tag must b less other some times search engine put this in spam/penalised
* Put contents according to the title theme
* Use Header tag as u can (h1>h2>) in this tag u put the keyword, sub keywords
* Use alt tag for image
* Use title tag for linking (use it less)
* Use linking with the content paragrah with the exact linked page
* Make site map put all the pages which u have made
* Use internal url with keywords
* Use your keywords in the paragraph at leat 2 times with meaning ful line
* Use any keywords in your keywords meta tag that do not directly relate to the content of your page.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Latest Process for for making your link popular..........
Link popularity is meant for the number of inbound links coming towards your web site. In this essence your site link is considered as the popular link because other site owners are ready to put their links on your web site.
Condition of link popularity
Search engines like Google put one condition for inbound links. According to search engines all the inbound links are not equal; the inbound links should be quality links. There quantity is not important. The quality of the links depends upon the page rank given by search engines.
Few search engines have their special strategy of indexing the sites that when the sites will put their link (search engine’s) link on their web sites then only the search engines will index and rank the web site. Google and Yahoo do not put any such condition.
Importance of link popularity
Link popularity determines the position of web site in the web world. The popular links gets highly positioned in the search engine result page where it is viewed by gigantic audience which most of the time can convert into customers. Link popularity is the indicator of site’s firm and trustworthy position.
Tools of link popularity
Increasing page rank
A good page rank is the indicator of site’s performance and its position in the result page. Every other link wants to get connected with the link with good page rank. Such quality links higher up the position of web site and the web site is visited by numerous visitors.
To higher the page rank the strategy of web site construction should be followed.
One look at the competitors
You have to keep an eye on the position of your competitors that which strategies they are adapting for link popularity. Try to go through the same way. Search for the inbound links linking to them and make an effort to link your web site also with those inbound links with the urge of request.
Avoid links from spam sites
The site which practice spamming to increase the page rank if even has good page rank is dangerous for linking. Such links if are caught by the search engines banned for upcoming days. Such sites are troublesome for the connected links. So better is avoid these spam sites.
Reciprocal linking
Reciprocal linking is the exchange of links to each other’s web site. It is helpful because in future there are chances to increase the page rank of the web sites. Reciprocal linking give vast chance of good position because the link which you are getting through reciprocating may be linked with some other site with good page rank.
Benefit of link popularity
Suppose your link is very popular and is linked with many other links. This means they are ready to put your URL on their web site. Now when the visitor will scroll their web site he will get link from their towards your web site and view your site as well. Thus this option will give you the opportunity to expand your sell as many of the web masters can turn into customers.
How to change the order of Post On Blogspot
Login your Blogger account.
Go to Post.
Click Edit by a post that needs the date edited.
Click Post Options (which is at the bottom of the Compose box).
Finally make the change of date and time as required.
Finally Click Publish Post.
Repeat these steps as necessary so your posts appear in the correct order.
To change your archives to list the oldest post first:
Log in to Blogger.
Go to the Template > Page Elements.
If you do not already have a Blog Archive element, add one now.
Click Add Page Element.
Scroll down to find Blog Archive.
Click Add to Blog.
If you already have a Blog Archive element, click Edit.
Under Options, check Show Oldest Posts First.
Click Save Changes.
How Does a Site Gets Optimized?
* On Page Optimization
* Internal Page Optimization
* Off Page Optimization
Every factor has it’s own importance in SERP’s. It’s unfair to say that a particular factor has more value than other. They are incomplete without each other.
It’s very simple to compare it with our normal life as we can’t say that we can live without water OR food. We need both things to survive. In the same manner combine efforts of all these factors remains your site live.
How to Improve your Search Engine Rankings and Increase Website Traffic?
Are you satisfied with your website? Do you believe that your site is drawing in enough traffic, people are getting what they came for, and there’s really no room for improvement?
* Target Marketing-Match Your Intended Audience?
* Keep It Simple
* Keyword and Phrases: Make Your Site Search-Engine Friendly
* Including Keywords and Phrases In Your Content and Source Code
* Place your important keywords at the top of the page as text headers
* Your most important page and keywords should be on the first page of a website.
* Write Good Content
* Using Title Tags in Search Engine Optimization
* Using Meta Tags
* Acquire Quality Back Links
* Every 3 months you should make a small change on each web page. Search engines like to see that changes are being made to a site and that it just isn’t sitting there for years with no upgrades
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Anchor text must have at least one keyword.
make different different anchor text pointing to your site for different web pages of ur site.
Rough idea
Here's the length of time it currently takes to get listed at each of the major
search engines once you have submitted your web page.
MSN Up to 2 months
Google Up to 4 weeks
AltaVista Up to 1 week
Fast Up to 2 weeks
Excite Up to 6 weeks
Northern Light Up to 4 weeks
AOL Up to 2 months
HotBot Up to 2 months
iWon Up to 2 months
If u want to index little fast then u have to approach
those sites which have pr 6+ link page.
google indexed those sites fast as other which have the link in these sites.max 2 days
Optimizing Your Meta Tags
Search Engine Optimization Tips
Print out the Tips
There's so much info in these optimization tips you will probably find it easier to print them all out. We've placed them all on one long page formatted for easy printing!
Print all the tips!
Search engine optimization can be difficult and confusing. Knowing this we decided to put together some tips to help you with the process. They cover everything you need to know about optimizing your web pages for the search engines quickly and easily.
Search engine optimization tips listed in order of importance:
Potential site design/set up problems.
Selecting the correct keywords.
Your title tag.
Your copywriting.
Your meta tags.
Your images "alt" attribute.
What you should not do....
How long it takes to get listed.
Additional search engine optimization tips:
These tips are here because they can be useful to those that can implement them on their web site, but they are not necessary to achieve good listings in the search engines.
For further reading:
Need more information on optimization? If so, we recommend reading Shari Thurow's new book Search Engine Visibility. It covers everything from search engine friendly design and keyword selection to link popularity and much more.
Potential Design/Set Up Problems
If your site does not use Frames, Flash, Javascript, Image Maps, or Dynamic URLs you can skip to the next tip, or go back to the main search engine optimization tips page.
Is your site set up properly for the search engines?
It can be very difficult to tell normally, but the Submit It! spider can tell you easily.
Spider your site!
Unfortunately for some of you there are some site design/set up issues that can make it very difficult for the search engines to list your web pages no matter how well you optimize and submit them. We list them here, before you get into all the optimization tips, to hopefully save you from trying to list a site that that will be very difficult to get listed. Almost everything can be fixed or worked with one way or another before you submit. The most common problems are:
Sites that use Frames.
Sites that use Dynamic URLs.
Sites that use Flash.
Sites that use Image Maps for navigation.
Sites that use Javascript for navigation.
Optimizing Frames
If your site uses frames, you've got problems - as far as the search engines are concerned anyway!
The problem is that search engines do not index framed sites very well. In fact, the search engines do such a poor job of indexing frames that we recommend redesigning your site without them if you want to get good listings in the search engines.
Now, if your site must use frames there are some tips we recommend you implement to make sure that you get the best listings you can even with frames.
The problem:
A frame is exactly what the name conveys - they are an HTML page that "frames" other HTML pages. Now, the problem arises when you go to submit. In most cases a framed site will only have one page you can submit, the home page. Since your site uses frames the home page actually has nothing that the search engine can use (i.e. page copy) to determine how to list your site. Why? Because your home page is actually a frameset which does not have any real content. Here's an example that should help you see what we mean. Keep in mind this code is what the search engines see:
Example Code of a Site Using Frames
TITLE>Example Framed Site/TITLE>
FRAMESET cols="150,*">
FRAME name="contents" target="main">
FRAME name="main">
We can't explain everything about frames here, but you should easily be able to see in the above example that their is no real content for the search engine to use to determine how to list your site. All that is there is HTML code. The result is a framed site will often not get listed at all, and if it does it will usually be listed very poorly.
The solution:
Not really a "solution" (the solution would be to get rid of the frames!), but the best thing you can do to improve your results is to use the noframes> tag within your frameset. This tag was originally used for displaying content to people using older web browsers that did not support viewing frames. While just about all web browsers now support frames the noframes> tag can still be used for content that will help your framed site get listed. In addition, you should also implement the best title tag, and meta tags that you can.
Where it belongs:
The noframes> tag belongs just before the /frameset> tag for your frameset, as you can see below in red.
Example Code of a Site Using Frames with NOFRAMES> Tag
TITLE>Example Framed Site/TITLE>
FRAMESET cols="150,*">
FRAME name="contents" target="main">
FRAME name="main">
Optimized page content goes here for best results.
Tag tips:
Place optimized content within the body> tags that you see above within the noframes> tag. An easy way to do this is to create a new regular (not framed) home page for your site that describes your site, products & services. Often the content can be taken directly from one of your existing framed pages. Once you have the page created view the HTML of the page and copy everything from within the body> and /body> tags. Then paste the new content within the body> and /body> tags found within the noframes> tags of your frameset. A complete page (including all the HTML) can be placed within the body tags.
Search engines like simple HTML pages, so since it is very unlikely anyone will ever see this noframes> content we recommend keeping it very simple and text based for best results.
Make sure all your noframes> content is optimized following all our tips. If it is not optimized, it is not going to help you very much.
Include links in the noframes> content to all of the other important pages on your site so that the search engine will crawl and index them too.
Implement the best title tag, and meta tags that you can on the frameset page.
Sites That Use Dynamic URLs
Most search engines cannot or will not list any dynamic URLs. Dynamic URLs are most commonly used on database driven sites, or sites that are running scripts. They commonly look something like this one from MSN Search:
If your URL contains any of the following elements it is considered a Dynamic URL as far as the search engines are concerned:
?, &, %, +, =, $, cgi-bin, .cgi
(commas above are just used as a separator)
If your URL contains any of the above elements it is very unlikely that it will get listed at any of the major search engines. We recommend that you submitting a different URL that is not dynamic if possible. If all of your URLs are dynamic you should probably consider making static pages (i.e. not dynamic) with URLs that do not contain any of the elements noted above so that you can get listed in the search engines.
Sites That Use Flash
Flash itself is not the problem. The problem is how it is used. The 2 largest problems with how Flash is used are:
Flash is often used on home pages as a "splash" page. The problem with these splash pages is that many times they are made entirely from Flash, which the search engines can't index. That means your splash page will not get listed. Your best bet search engine wise is to avoid submitting any page that is made mostly of Flash. If you must submit a page that is mostly Flash you can improve your chances of getting listed by to adding as much page copy to the page that you can. You should also make sure you have good meta tags and title tag.
Hyperlinks made with Flash can't be spidered by the search engines. Normally, when you submit a page to a search engine you can expect the search engine to follow the links on the page you submitted and spider the rest of your site, which is a good thing. Unfortunately, unless you have (or add) standard HTML hyperlinks to the other pages of your site none of your other pages will be able to get spidered by the search engines, which is a bad thing. An easy way fix this problem is to create a site map page uses standard HTML links to link to every page on your site. Then add a standard HTML link on each page of your site that links to the site map.
Sites That Use Image Maps for Navigation
Due to the code that makes up an image map search engines often get trapped in them and can't spider your site.
If you use image maps for your main site navigation you should consider switching to standard HTML hyperlinks or your site will most likely not get spidered. If you want to keep the image maps you can, but you should add another navigation scheme to your site that uses only standard HTML hyperlinks so that your site will get spidered. An easy way to do this is to create a site map page uses standard HTML links to link to every page on your site. Then add a standard HTML link on each page of your site that links to the site map.
Sites That Use Javascript for Navigation
Search engines can't follow links that are within Javascript, so your site will not get spidered unless you also have some form standard HTML hyperlinks that they can follow. You should add some form standard HTML hyperlinks to all of your pages on each of your pages so that your site will be spidered properly. An easy way to do this is to create a site map page uses standard HTML links to link to every page on your site. Then add a standard HTML link on each page of your site that links to the site map.
Difference Between Onpage and Offpage Optimization
On page, it is the optimizations on a web page directly. We do some synthesizing, modification on a web page that called on page optimization. For example, if there is a site related to SEO, we need to make a title which may related to SEO and include that keyword in title which is most searches but title should be fresh, unique and attractive. After that, on that page, content also should be related to search engine optimization; fresh, unique and knowledgeable. Content must be optimize with targeted keywords. H1 to H6 you can use in your site but H1 must be use only one time. Your primary keyword should be include in H1. After that H2 according to keyword prominancy. As well as title, we make meta tag also. On the page of a web, if we use image, must include alt tag. Site should be in hierarchy way. All the pages should be validate by W3C. Site should be free from broken links. Sitemap and robot.txt file must be upload for crowler. Use RSS also to exchange content or for subscriptions. Make proper linking structure for your site. Site should be in proper inter-linking. Anchor tag should be placed in right way. Page should not be only for search engine point of view it should be also user point of view. So, make sure about site usability and accessibility. All the navigations should be in proper way. All these activity are on page activity.
Off page activity are not directly related to work on a web page. We don't changes anything on web pages but we do all the thing for web pages in off page optimizations. Web site popularity include off page optimizations. To boost websites in major search engines we do promotional activity that called Link building and Social Networking or Social Media Optimizations.
Mainly in off page activity, we do link building for a web site. To build links for a website, we can say it is the practice of back links creations. It should be in ethical way like on page activity. Link should be create as a natural link. There are many way to create back links for a site which are – Link exchange (one way, Two way or three way), Article Submissions, Directory Submissions, Forum Posting, Blogging, Social Bookmarking, By Comments, Classified, Business Listing, Yellow pages activity etc. These are link building but there are some more aspect which is in off page activity - Press release, Social Networking, word to mouth, buzz creations, banner advertisement etc.
Now, we can easily define about on page and off page. On page activity include all about on a web site and off page activity cover all about for a website promotions.
Optimizing for the Correct Keywords
customers searching for?
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Don't guess -- know what they are searching for.
Use our keyword tool!
To get listed correctly in the search engines each page of your site that you want listed needs to be optimized to the best of your ability. Since the keywords that you decide to target will be used throughout the optimization process choosing the right keywords is essential. If you choose the wrong keywords you will not be found in the search engines. If you are not found in the search engines how will anyone find your site?
Since the keywords you choose to optimize your pages with are so important we have put together some tips to help you make sure that you make the right choices. You should utilize these tips when selecting keywords for each page that you plan to submit to the search engines.
Think "specific keyword phrases" not "keywords". Why? Due to the extreme amount of competition for general terms in the search engines, if your keyword phrases are too general it is very unlikely you will rank well in the search engines. You stand a far better chance to rank well for specific phrases where there is less competition. The resulting traffic, since it is more highly targeted, should also be much higher quality too! Here's an example for a site selling shoes:
Much Too General Much Better!
men's shoes
women's shoes
imported italian shoes
men's leather penny loafers
women's aerobic sneakers
Try to think like your target audience. What would they search for when looking for the page you are optimizing? It is very easy to fall in the trap of coming up with a short list of what YOU would search for, but what about everyone else? They will not necessarily use the same keywords as you. You should try to come up with as many keyword phrases as you can think of that relate to the page you are optimizing. Try asking a few friends and family what they would search for when searching for a site like yours.
Check out your competition for ideas. Do a search using keywords that you already know you want to target and click through on the top sites that come up. Once on the site view the source HTML code and view the keywords they have in their meta tags - this should give you many more ideas! Make sure to only use keywords that relate to YOUR site or page. To view the HTML code simply click the 'View' at the top of your web browser then select 'Source', or 'Page Source'.
You should develop a list of keyword phrases, following the tips on this page, for each page that you optimize for the search engines.
Optimizing Your Title Tag
Are every one of your title tags optimized?
For best results in the engines they all should be!
Use the Submit It! spider to easily check every title tag on your site for optimization and fomatting problems.
Get title tag help!
What it looks like:
Here's the title tag of this page:
TITLE>Your Title Tag - learn to optimize your title tag/TITLE>
Where it belongs:
The correct placement for the title tag is between the HEAD> and /HEAD> tags within the HTML the makes up your page.
Tag limits:
We recommend that your title tag be between 50-80 characters long - including spaces! The length that the different search engines accept varies, but as long as you keep within this limit you should be ok.
Tag Tips
Make your title enticing! Don't forget that even if you get that #1 listing in the search engines your listing still needs to say something that makes the surfer want to clickthrough and visit your site.
Since the length of your title tag could be a little long for some engines we suggest placing the keywords at the beginning of the tag when possible so that you do not risk having them cut off.
Each page of your site should have it's own title tag with it's own keywords that related to the page that it appears on.
Optimizing Your Page Copy
What are your
customers searching for?
Optimize your page text for the wrong keywords and all your efforts will be wasted.
Our keyword research tool can tell you the exact words they are using in the search engines.
Don't guess -- know what they are searching for.
Use our keyword tool!
Did you know that just like a visitor to your site would read the copy on your page to figure out what you have to offer, the search engines do too? And what do you think the search engines are looking for when they 'read' your page copy? Keyword phrases, of course!
Page Text Tips
This text should include your most important keyword phrases, but should remain logical & readable.
Be sure to use those phrases that you have used in your other tags (i.e. metas, alt, headings, title, etc.) during the optimization process.
Add additional copy filled pages to your site. For example, how-to articles, tips or tutorials. These types of content pages not only help you in the search engines, but many other sites will link to them too.
Don't ignore this tip! Seriously, optimizing your page copy is one of the most important things you could possibly do to improve your listings in the search engines. So, make sure you have plenty of it even if you need to redesign your site to work it in!
Optimizing Your Meta Tags
What they look like:
Description Meta:
"//meta name="description" content="This would be your description of what is on your page. Your most important keyword phrases should appear in this description.">"
Keywords Meta:
meta name="keywords" content="keywords phrase 1, keyword phrase 2, keyword phrase 3, etc.">"
Where they belong:
The correct placement for both meta tags is between the head> and /head> tags within the HTML the makes up your page. Their order does not really matter, but most people usually place the description first then the keywords meta.
Tag limits:
We recommend that your Keywords Meta not exceed 1024 characters including spaces.
We recommend that your Description Meta tag not exceed 250 characters including spaces.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
How to prevent your PEN drive from VIRUS
Friends many of your PC/laptop's normally gets virus because of Pen Drives or USB devices (Even PC's who are not connected to network ). Some Virus like Ravmon Virus , Heap41a worm which are not detected by anti virus normally spreads mostly by the Pen Drives . In such a case what can you do to prevent your PC from getting infected with Virus that spreads through USB devices or Pen Drives ?
You can protect your PC by just following the simple steps below . It won't take much time.
- Connect your Pen Drive or USB drive to your computer .
- Now a dialogue window will popup asking you to choose among the options as shown in the figure.
Don't choose any of them , Just simply click Cancel.
- *Now go to Start--> Run and type cmd to open the Command Prompt window .
- *Now go to My Computer and Check the Drive letter of your USB drive or Pen Drive . ( E.g. If it is written Kingston (I:) , then I: will be the drive letter .)
- *In the Command Window ( cmd ) , type the drive letter: and Hit Enter .
- *Now type dir/w/o/a/p and Hit Enter
- *You will get a list of files . In the list , search if anyone of the following do exist
- 1. Autorun.inf
- 2. New Folder.exe
- 3. Bha.vbs
- 4. Iexplore.vbs
- 5. Info.exe
- 6. New_Folder.exe
- 7. Ravmon.exe
- 8. RVHost.exe or any other files with .exe Extension .
- If you find any one of the files above , Run the command attrib -h -r -s -a *.* and Hit Enter.
- Now Delete each File using the following Command del filename ( E.g del autorun.inf ) .
- That's it . Now just scan your USB drive with the anti virus you have to ensure that you made your Pen Drive free of Virus .
This virus is very very common now...
To know whether ur system is infected just type C:\heap41a in the address bar...
if there is a folder named heap41a, then ur system is infected...
Monday, August 4, 2008
Tips of Directory Submission
Directory Submission can make your site listed in major search engines. By directory links your site can be in good ranking also in search engines. Dmoz is one of the best directory. If you list your site in dmoz your site can be in honorable status.
There are some tips of directory submission.
Make your site Title Unique which will display as anchor text.
Your site description should be also unique and it should be in 150 character because most of directory accept 150 character description length.
Write keywords for your site page properly which is targeted for that page.
Use paid email id. Paid email id will make guarantee of approval however free id is accepted by almost all directories
Choose that directories which has some PR and which is fast in approval.
Use Robo Form it will make your task easy and you can submit many directories in less time.
Use always home page of your site for directory submission because most of the directories don't accept sub pages of site. But many directories accept. So, separate that list.
If directory shows error as “Title is not unique in the parent category”, change your link page title. Create alternative title for your page also if you get this error.
Maintain all submission properly in excel sheet. In this format :
Always submit your link in relevant categories.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Microsoft's Crazy Facts
Nobody can create a FOLDER anywhere on the computer which can be named as "CON".
This is something pretty cool...and unbelievable. ..
At Microsoft the whole Team, couldn't answer why this happened!
This is something pretty cool and neat...and unbelievable. ..
At Microsoft the whole Team, including Bill Gates, couldn't answer why this happened!
Try it out yourself...
Open Microsoft Word and type
=rand (200, 99)
And then press ENTER
For those of you using Windows, do the following:
1. Open an empty notepad file
2. Type "Bush hid the facts" (without the quotes)
3. Save it as whatever you want.
4. Close it, and re-open it.
Is it just a really weird bug?
You can try the same thing above with another sentence "this app can break"
Explanation for Magic #1:
In windows the folder name and the special system variables share the same interface, so
when you create a folder with a system variable name it will consider that folder already
These special system variables are available irrespective of path
You cannot create a folder with these names also:
CON, NUL, COM1, COM2, COM3, LPT1, LPT2, LPT3,COM1 to COM9 and LPT1 to LPT9....
CON means console, COM1 means serial port 1, LPT1 means parallel port 1