Types of Link Building
One-way links
When a person links his website to yours without asking for a link in return, then it is known as a One Way Link. These links are the best way to have inbound links without giving out or trading links from your site to outside sites, as they do not look like a reciprocal link exchange. These give the appearance of natural link building process and are the best way to increase the link popularity of the site by getting relevant links for the site. -
Reciprocal links
This link building process is reciprocal in nature, somewhat like a give and take deal and is therefore, also known as a Two-way link building process. In this process, when a website A gives a link to website B, then website B gives a link to website A, in return. Though, one way links are the great option for increasing link popularity of a site, Reciprocal links are a good option too, in terms of there low costs and effective and inexpensive services, yielding to economical results. If used in a balanced and systematic manner, Reciprocal link exchange can help in promoting your website, product, or services, effectively and efficiently.
Benefits of Link Building and Link Popularity
Link Building helps your website get higher rankings from the search engines, as the more links you have, the more is your ranking. Quality and relevant Link Building also increases the Page Rank of your website, hence attracting more traffic and increasing popularity.
Having relevant links or links related to your business, products or services, with your website, helps adding credibility to your site. The more valuable and quality links you have, the more genuine and reliable is your website, for the customer.
The more the credibility of your website, the more able it will be, to draw relevant traffic to it, making it a valuable resource for them to explore. Also, with the relevant Reciprocal links, you will benefit more as it will direct the traffic of the other websites you are linked to, to yours, hence getting you double traffic.
Quality Link Building also helps your website get indexed with the search engines and will also catch your regular site updates, helping your site get wider exposure in the search engine arena.
Also, compared to the Pay Per Click Advertising, Link Building is a one time investment , with no recurring expenses. Once you are able to build quality and popular links for your website, you are in for a long term benefit plan.
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