Monday, August 11, 2008

Onpage Factors

Whats important while doing search engine optimization(OnPage Factors)

First very important thing is that collect keywords related to ou project/site as you can which helps in adding in ur website pages.

For finding keywords u have to use dictionary,wordtracker,overvirtue,sites ranking on your keywords,

1 Url optimization related
2 Title tag
3 Meta tag(keywords,desc,...)
4 Body(header, content, internal linking)
5 Image (alt tag)
6 Linking within paragraph with related keywords

URL of the Site according to our project theme (url Optimization)


The correct placement for the title tag is between the "head>" and "/head>" tags within the HTML the makes up your page.

Title of the pages(put keywords: seo|link building|web design development|promote webs by google search engine algorithm) put at the max 50-80 words including spaces.

Meta Tags
Desc of that page
Add Keywords:
Add keywords in meta keyword tag must b less other some times search engine put this in spam/penalised


* Put contents according to the title theme
* Use Header tag as u can (h1>h2>) in this tag u put the keyword, sub keywords
* Use alt tag for image
* Use title tag for linking (use it less)
* Use linking with the content paragrah with the exact linked page
* Make site map put all the pages which u have made
* Use internal url with keywords
* Use your keywords in the paragraph at leat 2 times with meaning ful line
* Use any keywords in your keywords meta tag that do not directly relate to the content of your page.

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